Race Report
Dear Competitors,
After the dismal weather in 1992, we were blessed with a superb day for this year’s Challenge. Whilst the Marshals and slower competitors seemed to enjoy the dry, bright conditions the front runners appeared to suffer and times were generally slower that last year. We did see one record broken, however, with Sue Stafford demolishing the previous best time for a Lady Super Vet by 18 minutes. Perhaps next year will see the first sub 5 hour winner.
Well done to all those who completed the course and commiserations to those who had to retire before the end.
Those of you who are regular attenders will have noticed that one smiling face was missing at base this year. Helen Griffith who has organised the event with Geoff since its inception in 1986 decided that the only way she could get out of the job was to start a family. Congratulations to Helen and John on the arrival of Amy Elizabeth.
Many thanks to Debbie Hunt for picking up the administration reins, Sue De Silva for organisation at base on the day and the cast of millions manning checkpoints, road crossings, radios, canteen, etc.
Only one major complaint received this year. Despite our efforts to contact all land owners affected by the Otter 40, we had failed to notify the National trust who own Mam Tor. They are concerned with erosion in the area and have asked us to ensure that competitors keep to the hardened surfaces when crossing Mam Tor ridge.
Finally the bad news –
Despite the disruption and heartache caused, our Directors have decided that the show should go on, various people have offered to organise their “bits” again and it looks like all we need are some competitors for 1994.
As always, we give seasoned campaigners first opportunity to enter and you will find a priority application form for your use with this results leaflet. One change we are considering for next year is an earlier start for slower entrants, to enable them to clear Deepdale 2 before it becomes too dark.
Hope to see you all again on 24th September next year.
Ken Atkin – Otter Controls Limited
Results Files
High Peak 40 – 1993 – Results and Checkpoint Timings